Tuesday 02 January 2024
by Ali
Fasting with Faith
According to Abu Said Al Khoudrî (may Allah be pleased with him), the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) taught:
“Whoever fasts one day sincerely for Allah, Allah distances their face from hell by a distance traveled in 70 years (*)”.
This hadith, reported by Imam Bukhari in his Sahih No. 2840 and Imam Muslim in his Sahih No. 1153, emphasizes the power and immense reward associated with fasting performed with a pure and sincere intention towards Allah.
(*) This means that the distance by which the face of the one fasting is kept away from hell is comparable to the distance traveled in 70 years. This vivid illustration reinforces the exceptional significance of fasting performed with deep devotion to the Creator.
Let’s explore the meaning of this inspiring hadith together.
The hadith speaks to the value and depth of fasting with a sincere intention towards Allah. When we examine this narration, several teachings emerge:
- The Power of Intentions: The hadith highlights the importance of intention in the performance of acts of worship. Fasting sincerely for Allah, devoid of worldly objectives, is rewarded with divine benevolence.
- The Sacred Dimension of Fasting: By designating fasting done in the path of Allah as a meritorious action, the hadith emphasizes the sacred dimension of this act of worship. It becomes more than a mere abstention from food and drink, transforming into a manifestation of profound devotion.
- Divine Protection: The metaphor of distancing the face from hell by a distance traveled in 70 years illustrates the divine protection granted to the sincere faster. It visually represents Allah’s kindness and mercy towards those who observe fasting with genuine faith.
- Encouragement for Sincerity: The hadith encourages believers to cultivate sincerity in their acts of worship. It prompts them to constantly examine their motivations, emphasizing that the purity of intentions is essential to deserve divine blessings.
- Fasting as a Spiritual Commitment: The exhortation to fast in the path of Allah suggests that fasting goes beyond a mere physical practice. It is a spiritual commitment, a declaration of allegiance to Allah, deserving of reward and protection.
In conclusion, this hadith invites us to deepen our understanding of fasting as a sacred act of worship, highlighting the crucial importance of sincerity in our relationship with Allah. It inspires us to fast with a pure intention, transforming this practice into a means of drawing closer to the mercy of the Divine.
Discover how to integrate this hadith into your daily life through a practical case.
Imagine the life of Amina, a young woman facing constant challenges and trials. Her demanding job, overwhelming family responsibilities, and personal difficulties often immerse her in a sea of anxiety. However, inspired by the Hadith, Amina decides to fast for a day, not only refraining from food but also cultivating a pure and sincere intention for Allah.
- Mental and Spiritual Preparation:
Before the start of her fast, Amina takes time to reflect, focus on the essence of her act, and strengthen her spiritual connection with Allah. She meditates on the profound meaning of the Hadith, realizing that her sincerity will determine the distance between her face and hell.
- Conscious Fasting:
Throughout the fasting day, Amina demonstrates increased awareness of her behavior, words, and actions. She deliberately chooses not to engage in trivial discussions, controls her reactions to challenges, and dedicates herself to acts of kindness and compassion towards others.
- Openness to Divine Mercy:
During challenging moments, Amina turns to Allah with humility, imploring His mercy and seeking refuge in Him. She acknowledges that every effort she makes to overcome difficulties is a testament to her devotion to Allah.
- Prayer and Gratitude:
At the end of the day, Amina breaks her fast with a sincere prayer of gratitude. She expresses thanks to Allah for the spiritual strength granted during this trial. Her reflection on the Hadith guides her to the conviction that her face is now distanced from hell by the span of 70 years.
Amina’s practical case illustrates how to integrate the Hadith into daily life through sincere fasting. By following this path, every action becomes an opportunity to draw closer to divine mercy. The Hadith reminds us that sincerity in our actions, especially during fasting, opens the doors to an exceptional divine reward. It is a powerful reminder that even amid adversity, devotion to Allah can transform our lives and distance us from the fire of hell.
What is the importance of intention in the context of this hadith and how does it affect the reward of fasting?
The sincerity of intention is crucial in Islam, and this hadith emphasizes that fasting should be exclusively done for Allah. A pure intention enhances the spiritual value of the act, thereby determining the reward. Fasting with a sincere intention strengthens the connection between the faster and Allah, transforming the act into a profound expression of devotion.
What broader teachings on Islamic spirituality is this hadith seeking to convey?
This hadith transcends the practice of fasting to offer broader teachings on Islamic spirituality. It underscores the idea that every act of worship, when performed with a sincere intention, can become a means of drawing closer to divine mercy. It also highlights that the relationship between the believer and Allah is not confined to rituals but extends to every aspect of daily life, infusing each action with a pure intention.
How does fasting go beyond abstaining from food and drink, according to this hadith?
The hadith suggests that fasting is not merely a physical deprivation but rather a profound spiritual commitment. By abstaining from food and drink, the faster expresses their devotion to Allah. It is an act of worship that transcends physical aspects, reaching the heart and soul of the believer, transforming it into a means of spiritual purification and elevation.
How could this hadith influence our approach to fasting as an act of worship in daily life?
This hadith encourages us to approach fasting with an increased awareness of our intention. It reminds us that our attitude and motivation are crucial in fasting practice, and each day of fasting should be an opportunity to draw closer to Allah. It urges constant reflection on our motivations to ensure that our actions are imbued with sincerity and an authentic pursuit of divine satisfaction.