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How does the technology of the prayer mat ensure accurate counting of prostrations?

The integrated technology in the prayer mat utilizes advanced pressure sensors and artificial intelligence algorithms to ensure precise counting of prostrations. The sensors reliably detect the body’s pressure during prayer, while the AI analyzes this data to clearly distinguish each prostration. This combination allows the mat to accurately and consistently count every prayer movement.

Is the mat capable of counting prostrations in different positions?

Yes, the mat is equipped with specific motion sensors that enable it to count prostrations for users praying in various positions, including seated. These sensors detect subtle variations in movement and pressure characteristic of seated prayer, ensuring accurate counting for all users, regardless of their prayer mode.

Is there a limit to the number of prostrations the mat can count?

No, the mat does not have a fixed limit on the number of prostrations it can count in a single prayer. It is designed to handle a wide range of prayer sequences, adjusting its counting to accommodate extended prayers or those with a large number of prostrations without compromising accuracy.

Can the system differentiate between a complete prostration and a partial movement?

Yes, thanks to the sophistication of the sensors and integrated artificial intelligence, the mat can differentiate between a complete prostration and a partial movement. The AI is trained to recognize different degrees of pressure and movement patterns associated with a complete prostration, thus avoiding incorrect counts due to partial or accidental movements.

How does the mat react to different surfaces or additional mats placed on top of it?

The mat is designed to operate effectively on a variety of surfaces. Its sensors are sensitive enough to detect prostrations even if another mat is placed on top of it. However, for optimal performance, it is recommended to use the mat on a flat surface and avoid thick overlays that might alter the sensitivity of the sensors.


Is it necessary to manually calibrate the mat for each use?

The mat is equipped with an automatic calibration system. During its use, it detects the surrounding magnetic environment and adjusts its digital compass accordingly. Therefore, it is not necessary to manually calibrate the mat for each use.

How does the mat's digital compass precisely detect the direction of Mecca?

The digital compass integrated into the mat uses a magnetometer sensor to detect the Earth’s magnetic field, thus determining direction. It does not rely on GPS but rather on local magnetic characteristics to precisely indicate the direction of Mecca.

Can the localization algorithms adapt to different geographical and magnetic environments?

Yes, the mat’s localization algorithms are designed to adapt to geographical and magnetic variations. They use advanced calibration data to ensure consistent accuracy in different environments, whether in rural or urban areas.

How does the mat adjust its direction towards the Qibla when moving?

When moving, the mat automatically adjusts its direction towards the Qibla. Thanks to its sophisticated magnetometer sensor, it detects changes in the magnetic environment and realigns the direction of Mecca accordingly, ensuring continuous accuracy regardless of the location.

How does the directional display function in low light or bright sunlight conditions?

The directional display of the mat is designed to be clearly visible in all lighting conditions. It uses a high-resolution screen with automatic brightness adjustment, ensuring optimal visibility whether in bright sunlight or in low-light conditions.


Why is the choice of a pattern-free design important for concentration?

The pattern-free design of our prayer mat is deliberately chosen to minimize visual distractions. During prayer, it is crucial to fully focus on spirituality and meditation. Complex patterns or images can inadvertently divert attention. A sleek design helps maintain concentration and promotes a deeper meditative state.

How does the adjustable brightness of the screen help in different prayer environments?

The adjustable brightness of the screen is an essential feature that allows users to customize their prayer experience according to their environment. Whether in a dimly lit room or in broad daylight, the screen can be adjusted for optimal visibility without glare or distraction. This ensures that the displayed information is easily readable without disturbing the prayer ambiance.

Why have you chosen not to include audible sounds or alerts in the mat's design?

The absence of sounds or audible alerts is a deliberate decision to maintain a peaceful and distraction-free prayer environment. Sounds or alerts could interrupt the flow of meditation or prayer, contrary to the goal of focus and tranquility. We believe that silence contributes to a deeper and more spiritual prayer experience.

How does the color gray contribute to reducing distractions?

Gray is a neutral and calming color, specifically chosen for its lack of excessive visual stimulation. Unlike bright colors or bold patterns, gray does not strain the eyes or divert attention. This creates a serene and uniform visual space that aids in focusing on prayer and reflection.

Why has the screen's location been specifically chosen to reduce distractions?

The screen is strategically placed to be easily visible without the need to significantly move the head or eyes during prayer. This position allows users to quickly glance for information without disrupting their concentration or prayer posture. The idea is to provide access to information in a subtle and non-intrusive manner.


Are the materials used in the mat eco-friendly and sustainable?

Our commitment to sustainability and eco-friendliness is at the heart of our design. The hemp used is an eco-friendly material, requiring less water and fewer pesticides than traditional cotton. Moreover, we ensure that the entire production process is environmentally friendly, with a focus on waste reduction and the use of sustainable manufacturing methods.

Is this mat suitable for long-term use and resistant to daily wear and tear?

The mat is designed for long-term use. We have chosen robust materials and conducted rigorous testing to ensure its resistance to daily wear and tear. The combination of natural fibers and modern materials ensures both durability and the maintenance of aesthetics over time.

How does the cushioning technology of this mat contribute to increased comfort during prayer?

The cushioning technology of the mat is designed to reduce pressure on the joints and provide optimal support during prayer. It incorporates a layer of memory foam that conforms to the body’s shape, evenly distributing weight. This helps to minimize fatigue and discomfort, especially during long periods of prayer.

How do the thickness and density of the mat influence the prayer experience?

The thickness and density of the mat have been carefully studied to offer a perfect balance between comfort and support. The sufficient thickness of the memory foam allows for optimal shock absorption, while the density is calibrated to prevent the mat from sagging over time, thus preserving the quality of the prayer experience.

What materials have been used for the manufacture of this prayer mat, and why were these specific choices made?

For the manufacture of this prayer mat, we selected materials that combine comfort, durability, and environmental respect. The main fabric is a blend of hemp, known for its strength and ability to resist wear, and cotton, to provide softness and comfort. This combination offers a pleasant touch surface while ensuring the product’s longevity.


How long does it take to make the mat?

The creation of a prayer mat is a meticulous process that requires a high level of skill and attention to detail. On average, it takes about 10 to 20 hours to weave a mat.

How does the remuneration of artisans impact their daily life?

The remuneration of the artisans is designed to be fair and equitable, thus ensuring a stable income that significantly impacts their daily lives. By providing them with a reliable source of income, we contribute to improving their living conditions, promoting their children’s education, and strengthening the local economy. This helps communities become more self-sufficient and resilient.

How are artisans selected?

Artisans are chosen for their traditional craftsmanship and membership in persecuted Muslim communities. We collaborate with local organizations to identify the most skilled artisans. Once selected, they receive additional training to ensure they master the specific techniques needed to make our mats. This training aims to preserve traditional methods while incorporating modern design elements.

Why have you chosen to work exclusively with persecuted communities?

Our mission is to support persecuted Muslim communities by providing economic opportunities and valuing their craftsmanship. By working exclusively with them, we help preserve their cultural heritage and provide them with the means to rebuild and thrive despite the challenges they face. This also helps to raise awareness of their situation and contribute to positive change.

Our Story

How have you established partnerships with persecuted communities?

Our partnerships with persecuted communities in Burma stem from a shared desire to support and value local artisans. We actively sought workshops that share our ethical values. These collaborations enable us not only to produce superior quality prayer mats but also to make a positive contribution to these communities.

What lessons have you learned from the initial phases of distributing the mat?

The initial distribution phases taught us the importance of listening and flexibility. We learned that each community has specific needs and that constant adaptation is key. This helped us refine our distribution approach and better target the end-users’ needs.

Were there any significant improvements made to the mat following initial feedback?

Following initial feedback, we made several significant improvements, including adjusting the sensitivity of the sensors, enhancing the padding for increased comfort, and optimizing the display for better visibility. These adjustments made the mat even more suitable and enjoyable to use.

What were the main challenges encountered during the development of the prototype?

Developing the prototype was a journey full of challenges, particularly integrating technology into a traditional mat while preserving its practicality and aesthetic. We had to overcome technical challenges, such as choosing suitable materials and implementing a reliable and discreet system for counting rakats.

What was the contribution of imams and users in testing the prototype?

The contribution of imams and users was crucial in improving our prayer mat. Their feedback helped us adjust sensor sensitivity, enhance ergonomics, and make the display more readable. Their suggestions allowed us to refine our design to better meet the real needs of users.


Do hemp mats require special care?

Hemp mats are surprisingly easy to maintain. They can be cleaned with a simple vacuum cleaner to remove dust and debris. For stains, localized cleaning with water and mild detergent is usually sufficient. It’s recommended to avoid prolonged exposure to direct moisture to maintain fiber quality.

Is the hemp mat more durable than those made from other materials?

Yes, hemp mats are remarkably durable. Hemp fibers are naturally robust and resistant to abrasion, making them ideal for frequently used items like prayer mats. They withstand creasing well and maintain their shape over time, even with daily use.

How does the cultivation of hemp impact the environment?

Hemp cultivation is significantly more ecological than many other natural fibers. Hemp grows quickly, requires little water, and little or no pesticides. It even improves soil quality by adding nutrients and preventing erosion. Its cultivation, therefore, has a significantly lower environmental impact, contributing to a reduced carbon footprint for hemp products.

How does hemp contribute to the overall quality and longevity of the mat?

Hemp enhances the overall quality of the mat in several ways. Its natural resistance to wear ensures increased longevity, even with intense daily use. Hemp fibers maintain their color and texture longer, meaning the mat will retain its new appearance for years. Additionally, hemp is naturally resistant to mold and allergens, contributing to a healthier and safer prayer environment.

What are the unique properties of hemp that make it ideal for prayer mats?

Hemp is known for its exceptional strength and durability. Its fibers are among the strongest and longest natural fibers, making hemp mats particularly resistant to wear and tears. Moreover, hemp has thermoregulatory properties, keeping the mat cool in summer and warm in winter, and is naturally resistant to mold and bacteria, ensuring hygienic and healthy use.


How did you determine the cost of each component of the mat?

We conducted a detailed cost analysis for each component. This involved working closely with our suppliers to get accurate quotes and unit costs for materials, integrated technologies, and manufacturing processes. We also considered factors such as purchase volume, material durability, and environmental impact.

How do you ensure the materials used are economical and high-quality?

We select our materials based on their quality, durability, and cost. By closely collaborating with reliable suppliers and bulk purchasing, we can reduce costs while maintaining high-quality standards. Additionally, our rigorous testing ensures that each material meets our criteria before being used.

Is the cost of the technology integrated into the mat included in the total?

Yes, the total includes the cost of all the technology integrated into the mat. This includes sensors, circuits, and the display system. We have optimized the integration of these technologies to ensure they are functional, without compromising quality.

Do you have plans to further reduce costs in the future?

We are constantly looking for ways to optimize our production process and reduce costs without compromising quality. This includes negotiating better rates with suppliers, exploring more cost-effective technologies, and improving the efficiency of our supply chain.